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чã‘‚ãâ¾ Ðâ¾ãâ·ãâ½ãâ°ã‘‡ãâ°ãâµã‘‚ Network Error Please Try Again

  1. if i go some spare time i will practise a new release.... and include the fixes....
    Anything Missing here?????
  2. Overnice to encounter an admin hither again.

    Yep for sure, there are some more bugs. IMHO the whole system needs a rework for more security, more than features and simplier mod-back up. I've done a lot, but it'due south all the same under development.

  3. Problems: Veteran/Expert Tactical Support Combat Badge/Grappling Hook Badge/Zip Line Badge definition is wrong. Yous will never ever reach 100/500 deployes in a round.
    Gear up one: /python/bf2/stats/

    alter to:

                              #Tactical Support Combat Badge #Basic ('1260602_1',	'X1fbb',	one, object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL, 10)),  #Veteran ('1260602_2',	'X1fbb',	1, f_and( 	has_medal ('1260602_1'), f_plus( global_stat ('de-6'), object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL), 100))),   #Expert	 ('1260602_3',	'X1fbb',	ane, f_and( 	has_medal ('1260602_2'), f_plus( global_stat ('de-6'), object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_TACTICAL), 500))),  #Grappling Hook Usage #Bones ('1260708_1',	'X1ghb',	1, object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_GRAPPLINGHOOK, x)),  #Veteran ('1260708_2',	'X1ghb',	1, f_and( 	has_medal ('1260708_1'), f_plus( global_stat ('de-seven'), object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_GRAPPLINGHOOK), 100))),  #Good	 ('1260708_3',	'X1ghb',	1, f_and( 	has_medal ('1260708_2'), f_plus( global_stat ('de-7'), object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_GRAPPLINGHOOK), 500))),  #Goose egg Line Usage #Bones ('1262612_1',	'X1zlb',	1, object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_ZIPLINE, 10)),  #Veteran ('1262612_2',	'X1zlb',	i, f_and( 	has_medal ('1262612_1'), f_plus( global_stat ('de-viii'), object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_ZIPLINE), 100))),  #Expert	 ('1262612_3',	'X1zlb',	1, f_and( 	has_medal ('1262612_2'), f_plus( global_stat ('de-8'), object_stat ('weapons', 'deployed', WEAPON_TYPE_ZIPLINE), 500))),                        
    Please find, that tactical deployes depends on object template name. Information technology's only triggered if weapon-template-name contains "flashbang", "teargas" or "molotovcocktail". This is hardcoded in server-executable. Xpack (Special Forces) will piece of work, but other Mods may not.

    Set 2: /ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx

    become near to end of the file

    a) before line

    [blockquote]$caput .= "vac-0\tvac-1\tvac-2\tvac-3\tvac-four\tvac-5\tvac-6\due north";[/blockquote]


    [blockquote] if (strpos($info, 'de-') !== false) {
    $caput .= "de-6\tde-seven\tde-eight\t";

    b) earlier line

    [blockquote] #vac-
    $out .= "0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\northward";[/blockquote]


    [blockquote] if (strpos($info, 'de-') !== simulated) {
    $out .= $roww['tacticaldeployed'] . "\t" .
    $roww['grapplinghookdeployed'] . "\t" .
    $roww['ziplinedeployed'] . "\t";


  4. Edited: not bf2 stats related and Thinner provided a possible solution. Sorry near that.
  5. This problem is non related to bf2statistics.

    Just to set it y'all could edit the file \mods\bf2\Menu_server.nil\Nametag\nametags.con on your client and change line

    Nametags.setTexture 22 Menu/Nametag/ranks 0 0 16 16


    Nametags.setTexture 23 Menu/Nametag/ranks 0 0 16 xvi

    Please find that some mods (east.g. POE2) come with a nametags.con too, so you have to change it there too.

  6. Bug: LAN-IP override doesn't piece of work with PHP 5.3.0. All players will get IP of $stats_lan_override from config.php
    You may see an fault bulletin similar Warning: str_pad() expects parameter 4 to exist long, string given

    Fix: Change /ASP/includes/utils.php, lines 24 and 26 "STR_PAD_LEFT" to STR_PAD_LEFT

  7. If I change utils.php to that, XAMPP says I don't have the rights to access this site.
  8. Same problem for me but...

    Try to connect the ASP over:


    Works for me...



  9. Thinner
    I was running Xampp one.6.7 and I up dated to 1.7.2 but I got the errors in ASP/includes/utils.php, lines 24 and 26
    then I inverse them from your mail service "STR_PAD_LEFT" to STR_PAD_LEFT now I become "Parse error. sysntex eror, unexpected T_ELSE in C:\xampp\hpdocs\bf2statistics\player.php on line 413"
    MySql ver 5.137 whatsoever ideas?!molar

    Line 413

  10. How-do-you-do Militarist,

    delight accept a look at this postal service, it should assist.
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  11. I changed the lines in the other post now When I open the Ststs folio the list of players is blank when I enter my Actor proper name I get.
    Warning: array_combine() [office.assortment-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in C:\xampp\htdocs\bf2statistics\BF2Stats.php on line 247
  12. If the histrion list is blank maybe the output of h**p://your_IP/ASP/getleaderboard.aspx is broken. Open h**p://your_IP/ASP/getleaderboard.aspx?type=score&id=overall&afterwards=10 in your browser and send me the output per PM. Please besides tell me which files exercise you have edited so far.

    Please open a new thread for special problems like this and don't rape the buglist thread anymore. Thanks.

    Problem solved: "password to the db got messed up"

  13. This happpened to me as well. My programming skills are not very adept, but if you want to be able to use the "localhost/ASP" path, yous need to grant "localhost" permission. It'south only a minor nuisance, but y'all can gear up it.

    one. Go to .. htdocs\ASP
    ii. Open _config.php (with Notepad, or whatever)
    iii. Become to line 16, where you'll detect $admin_hosts
    4. Merely add localhost to the assortment

    $admin_hosts = assortment('','','localhost');
    I know its nothing, simply promise it helps someone :)


  14. Issues: one missed histrion in BFHQ leaderboard (only shows 19 players per leaderboard folio)
    Set up: getleaderboard.aspx

    at line 61
    [blockquote]$max = $after;[/blockquote]
    [blockquote]$max = $later on + 1;[/blockquote]

  15. Bug: BFHQ missed vehicle leaderboard data Timeplayed and Deaths.
    Fix: getleaderboard.aspx

    at line 353

    $out .= "H\tn\tpid\tnick\tkillswith\tdeathsby\ttimeplayed\tplayerrank\tcountrycode\n";
    $out .= "H\tn\tpid\tnick\tkillswith\tdetahsby\ttimeused\tplayerrank\tcountrycode\n";
  16. BUG: When a new thespian has no opponent or victim Data are shown incorrectly in all BFHQ, so after this change information volition be displayed correctly and bare victim/ oponent bars until you kill someone.
    Ready: getplayerinfo.aspx

    Start remove these two lines in the code:

    at line 306
    $favor = $row2['rank'];

    at line 326
    $favvr = $row2['rank'];

    opponent change:
    at line 288
    [blockquote]// Favorite opponent
    $query = "SELECT attacker, count FROM kills WHERE victim = {$pid} GROUP BY count DESC LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $favoi = $row2['attacker'];
    $favok = $row2['count'];
    $query = "SELECT name, rank FROM histrion WHERE id = {$favoi}";
    $event = mysql_query($query) or dice(mysql_error());
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $favon = $row2['name'];
    } else {
    $favoi = $favok = $favon = 'n/a';
    } [/blockquote]

    [blockquote]// Favorite opponent
    $query = "SELECT attacker, count FROM kills WHERE victim = {$pid} Grouping Past count DESC LIMIT one";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($event)) {
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $favoi = $row2['assailant'];
    $favok = $row2['count'];
    $query = "SELECT name, rank FROM histrion WHERE id = {$favoi}";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $favon = $row2['proper name'];
    $favor = $row2['rank'];
    } else {
    $favoi = $favon = $favor = ' ';
    $favok = '0';
    } [/blockquote]

    victim change:
    at line 308
    [blockquote]// Favorite victim
    $query = "SELECT victim, count FROM kills WHERE attacker = {$pid} GROUP BY count DESC LIMIT 1";
    $event = mysql_query($query) or dice(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $favvi = $row2['victim'];
    $favvk = $row2['count'];
    $query = "SELECT name, rank FROM player WHERE id = {$favvi}";
    $event = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($outcome);
    $favvn = $row2['proper name'];
    } else {
    $favvi = $favvk = $favvn = 'n/a';

    [blockquote]// Favorite victim
    $query = "SELECT victim, count FROM kills WHERE attacker = {$pid} GROUP By count DESC LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($event)) {
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $favvi = $row2['victim'];
    $favvk = $row2['count'];
    $query = "SELECT name, rank FROM player WHERE id = {$favvi}";
    $outcome = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($consequence);
    $favvn = $row2['name'];
    $favvr = $row2['rank'];
    } else {
    $favvi = $favvn = $favvr= ' ';
    $favvk = '0';
    } [/blockquote]

  17. Bug: Some stats checkers like Brainpecker testify incorrectly Regular army All-time Round (abr-), since this problems is from showtime release.
    Fix: getplayerinfo.aspx

    at line 702

    #wkd-13 "0:0\t" . $rowv['time0'] . "\t" . $rowv['time1'] . "\t" . $rowv['time2'] . "\t" . $rowv['time3'] . "\t" . $rowv['time4'] . "\t" . $rowv['time5'] . "\t" . $rowv['time6'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills0'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills1'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills2'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills3'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills4'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills5'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills6'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths0'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths1'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths2'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths3'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths4'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths5'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths6'] . "\t" . $v0 . "\t" . $v1 . "\t" . $v2 . "\t" . $v3 . "\t" . $v4 . "\t" . $v5 . "\t" . $v6 . "\t" . $rowv['rk0'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk1'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk2'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk3'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk4'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk5'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk6'] . "\t" . $rowa['time0'] . "\t" . $rowa['time1'] . "\t" . $rowa['time2'] . "\t" . $rowa['time3'] . "\t" . $rowa['time4'] . "\t" . $rowa['time5'] . "\t" . $rowa['time6'] . "\t" . $rowa['time7'] . "\t" . $rowa['time8'] . "\t" . $rowa['time9'] . "\t" . $rowa['win0'] . "\t" . $rowa['win1'] . "\t" . $rowa['win2'] . "\t" . $rowa['win3'] . "\t" . $rowa['win4'] . "\t" . $rowa['win5'] . "\t" . $rowa['win6'] . "\t" . $rowa['win7'] . "\t" . $rowa['win8'] . "\t" . $rowa['win9'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss0'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss1'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss2'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss3'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss4'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss5'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss6'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss7'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss8'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss9'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd0'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd1'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd2'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd3'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd4'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd5'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd6'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd7'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd8'] . "\t" . $rowa['brnd9'] . "\t" . $rowk['time0'] . "\t" . $rowk['time1'] . "\t" . $rowk['time2'] . "\t" . $rowk['time3'] . "\t" . $rowk['time4'] . "\t" . $rowk['time5'] . "\t" . $rowk['time6'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills0'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills1'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills2'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills3'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills4'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills5'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills6'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths0'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths1'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths2'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths3'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths4'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths5'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths6'] . "\t" . $k0 . "\t" . $k1 . "\t" . $k2 . "\t" . $k3 . "\t" . $k4 . "\t" . $k5 . "\t" . $k6 . "\t" .
    #wkd-xiii "0:0\t" . $rowv['time0'] . "\t" . $rowv['time1'] . "\t" . $rowv['time2'] . "\t" . $rowv['time3'] . "\t" . $rowv['time4'] . "\t" . $rowv['time5'] . "\t" . $rowv['time6'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills0'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills1'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills2'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills3'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills4'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills5'] . "\t" . $rowv['kills6'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths0'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths1'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths2'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths3'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths4'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths5'] . "\t" . $rowv['deaths6'] . "\t" . $v0 . "\t" . $v1 . "\t" . $v2 . "\t" . $v3 . "\t" . $v4 . "\t" . $v5 . "\t" . $v6 . "\t" . $rowv['rk0'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk1'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk2'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk3'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk4'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk5'] . "\t" . $rowv['rk6'] . "\t" . $rowa['time0'] . "\t" . $rowa['time1'] . "\t" . $rowa['time2'] . "\t" . $rowa['time3'] . "\t" . $rowa['time4'] . "\t" . $rowa['time5'] . "\t" . $rowa['time6'] . "\t" . $rowa['time7'] . "\t" . $rowa['time8'] . "\t" . $rowa['time9'] . "\t" . $rowa['win0'] . "\t" . $rowa['win1'] . "\t" . $rowa['win2'] . "\t" . $rowa['win3'] . "\t" . $rowa['win4'] . "\t" . $rowa['win5'] . "\t" . $rowa['win6'] . "\t" . $rowa['win7'] . "\t" . $rowa['win8'] . "\t" . $rowa['win9'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss0'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss1'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss2'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss3'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss4'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss5'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss6'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss7'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss8'] . "\t" . $rowa['loss9'] . "\t" . $rowa['best0'] . "\t" . $rowa['best1'] . "\t" . $rowa['best2'] . "\t" . $rowa['best3'] . "\t" .       // stock-still abr- $rowa['best4'] . "\t" . $rowa['best5'] . "\t" . $rowa['best6'] . "\t" . $rowa['best7'] . "\t" . $rowa['best8'] . "\t" . $rowa['best9'] . "\t" . $rowk['time0'] . "\t" . $rowk['time1'] . "\t" . $rowk['time2'] . "\t" . $rowk['time3'] . "\t" . $rowk['time4'] . "\t" . $rowk['time5'] . "\t" . $rowk['time6'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills0'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills1'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills2'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills3'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills4'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills5'] . "\t" . $rowk['kills6'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths0'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths1'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths2'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths3'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths4'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths5'] . "\t" . $rowk['deaths6'] . "\t" . $k0 . "\t" . $k1 . "\t" . $k2 . "\t" . $k3 . "\t" . $k4 . "\t" . $k5 . "\t" . $k6 . "\t" .
  18. Bug: wrong honour key and too criteria for "European Matrimony Special Service Medal"
    Set up: /includes/information.awards.php

    50h time playing European Union
    100 All-time round score
    50 wins Eu

    at line 186

    #European Wedlock Special Service Medal $awardsdata[] = array(2270521, "Esr", ii, array( array('army', 'count(*)', i, 'time9 >= 180000*### AND best9 >= 100*### AND win9 >= 100*###') ) );
    #Eu Special Service Medal $awardsdata[] = array(2270521, "Eum", two, assortment( assortment('army', 'count(*)', ane, 'time9 >= 180000*### AND best9 >= 100*### AND win9 >= fifty*###') ) );
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    at line 347
    [blockquote]// Favorite vehicle
    $query = "SELECT time0, time1, time2, time3, time4, time5, time6 FROM vehicles WHERE id = {$pid}";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    if (is_numeric(central($row2))) {$favv = key($row2);}
    else {side by side($row2); $favv = cardinal($row2);}[/blockquote]

    [blockquote]// Favorite vehicle
    $query = "SELECT time0, time1, time2, time3, time4, time5, time6 FROM vehicles WHERE id = {$pid}";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or dice(mysql_error());
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    if(empty($row2['time0']) && empty($row2['time1']) && empty($row2['time2']) && empty($row2['time3']) && empty($row2['time4']) && empty($row2['time5']) && empty($row2['time6'])){
    $favv = '-1';
    } else {
    if (is_numeric(central($row2))) {$favv = central($row2);}
    else {adjacent($row2); $favv = fundamental($row2);}

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